Out of control acne?
Mood swings that have you questioning your own sanity?
Excessive fatigue?
Weight gain?
I get it, I’ve been there. For about six years I thought I was destined to have horrible skin forever. I thought the mood swings were inevitable, and that I would be stuck in a depressive fog for life. Anyone could see that I was self-sabotaging my own life and I consistently felt like I was on an edge I couldn’t walk away from. I tried organic skin products, I tried not wearing makeup, I tried birth control, I tried Prozac to stabilize my depression, yet nothing seemed to get me off of a terrible hormonal roller coaster.
Not only were there physical and visual side effects to my hormonal imbalance, but the pain was unbearable. I would spend days in bed, with either crippling cramps, or painstakingly drawn-out migraines. It felt like I was on a never-ending cycle, and I just thought I had to deal with it. I thought it was simply the deck of cards I had been given, and I just had to make peace with it.
I saw several GYNs who confirmed my worst fear, that this was just the way my body was. But with the help of birth control, I was promised (at age 15) that these symptoms would lessen. The truth is after getting on the pill they did lessen. For a few months, and then they would have to up the hormone dosage.
Finally, I got off the hormonal birth control pill.
When I got off the pill and started to research natural methods to not only healing my hormonal imbalance but learning how to appreciate my body, I found a world of knowledge. Because up until that age, I never did.
During this process, I was introduced to cycle syncing — a method that taught me how to not only heal my body but appreciate it.
Purpose of the guide:
A 74-page guide to help you take control of your hormone health, learn to love your cycle, increase your health & well-being, and most of all — get your life back.
This guide is for women who:
- have hormonal imbalances that they want to naturally fix
- suffer from symptoms of hormonal imbalances like PMS, PMDD, irregular periods, amenorrhea, cystic acne, etc.
- feel like their health could be better
- do not feel connected to their body and want to get to know their body + anatomy more
- want to support their bodies through each phase
+ Or even men who want to help support the women in their lives!

Included in Learning To Love Your Cycle ↓↓
- An introduction to the biology class on the female body that you never had
- An outline of each four cycle phases: menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation phase, and luteal phase
- Details on each phase in your cycle (includes nutrition, food, exercise, lifestyle habits, herbs, and supplements, etc. for each phase.
- Daily journal prompts
- Weekly grocery suggestions
- Track your cycle symptoms map
- A 30-day action plan to take back your hormone health
- …and more! ❤
Also, you will get access to a private Facebook community.
What you will learn in this guide:
- a few lessons on female biology
- the different types of hormone imbalances + symptoms of
- what cycle-syncing is + how to add it to your life
- the four phases of your menstrual cycle + what is happening in your body during that time
- how to tailor your lifestyle habits to each phase of your cycle
- self-care practices to implement in different phases
- exercise and movement catered to your cycle
- different herbs + supplements that can help support your body during different phases
- journal prompts to guide you through each phase
- how to love and appreciate each phase of your menstrual cycle
- resources to help guide you through implementing the suggestions

P.S. I have dozens of blog posts on hormone health topics as well as a Tiktok page jam-packed with videos on this. Feel free to browse both here: BLOG + TIKTOK.