Traveling Healthy 101: What To Pack

[Disclaimer: I am Extra]
I love traveling. There is nothing better than taking a trip to a new place, or a well-loved spot, to spend some much needed R&R.
For me, traveling is more of a constant than a variable in my life. Not only do I spend a lot of time visiting new places, but my boyfriend and I live in different states, making road trips frequent in both of our schedules.
Last week, while going over expenses and all-things taxes, I realized that since October, I haven’t stayed in the same place for more than two weeks. In fact, September was the first month since last April that I haven’t taken at least one extended trip per month.

Being on the go can be so fun, but when unprepared it can be just the opposite. That said, I decided it was about time that I compiled a list of things I bring while traveling to keep me both healthy, and with a peaceful state of mind.
- My Superfood Latte Ingredients. If you keep up with me on Instagram, then you probably know what I’m talking about. If not, you can find the recipe here. It’s essentially a latte packed with superfoods and nutrients that you could never get in a Starbucks or Peet’s latte. It’s a constant at home, and after adding it as a constant in my travels, I realized how much it really does help my body while traveling.
- Nut
butters & rice cakes. “In the beginning, God made rice cakes and nut butter.” This has been my go-to snack since the beginning of time (so it must have been God’s too, right?). Not only is it super easy to take with you anywhere, but it is a cheap, stomach settling snack that takes only seconds to prepare. It’s also filling, and nutritious, especially if you can get some fresh fruit on the top. - Protein Bars. As someone who sometimes doesn’t have time to make breakfast, these bars, paired with my superfood latte, makes a killer breakfast. Some of my favorite bars include EpicBar, Go Macro, RX Bars, and Perfect Bars. Some have more sugar than the others, but they are all made with quality ingredients, which is usually my first focus.
- 12 oz Yeti. Water is so important, and if I don’t have a big water bottle on me, I often times forget to drink. This water bottle has endured so many trips, add so many drops and it’s still going! Def recommend – here is mine!

- Collagen Peptides from Vital Proteins. I add this supplement to my superfood latte every morning so it and sometimes even into my oatmeal or various meals. It’s not always easy to get in enough protein while traveling, so this is an easy thing for me to take to up my protein count for the day! Also has no taste which is a plus. I use these travel sticks, or sometimes bring this whole container if it’s a road trip.
- Spirulina from Vital Proteins. This is my go-to vitamin. I don’t take many but this one is important to me, especially when traveling. Just like protein, it’s sometimes hard to get in enough veggies while away. This is easy when on a tropical vacation, but when visiting a friend in their college town, or taking a ski-trip, you might find it a bit harder. These little capsules come to the rescue in times of GREEN need. I get them here!
- Elderberry Syrup and Oregano oil from Gaia Herbs. Even if you don’t externally show stress when traveling, chances are your body is producing a larger amount of the stress hormone while traveling. I love traveling and have grown accustomed to it, but I also know that it still stresses me out to be out of my normal, every-day routine. These two are immune boosters that help just about anyone while traveling. These are the Oregano oil capsules, and here is the elderberry syrup I use.
- Apple Cider Vinegar To-Go Packets. These packets are a lifesaver for anyone who starts their morning with some form of ACV concoction. This packet from Squeeze Dried has ACV, but also cayenne, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, and probiotics. Is there a better way to kick start your
monring ? I think not! You can find my favorite ones here!

Self-Care Related
- Honest Hazel eye gels. Truth is it’s easy for me to get stressed out, and the first place that visibly shows is in my face. It’s easy for my face to get red, or even to break out when I get stressed because of missing home and a routine, but these gels help decrease some of the
swelling at least. I place these under my eyes for a half hour either twice a week, or when I feel like I need something relaxing while traveling. They’re packed with vitamins C & E which help refresh almost right away. Here is a more affordable brand too! - Volition Face Masks. These are the bomb, and I use them weekly. They keep my skin toxin free, especially needed after spending time in new environments almost every week. You’d be surprised at what your skin can pick up in the air, and
these help cleanse them in a deep and effective way. - ACV spray. I make this at home and swear by it. I spray it in my hair post-shower, on my face in the morning when I wake up, and even will spray some on my body if I’m experiencing dry skin. It’s
infection fighting properties help me stay acne-free on theroad, and keeps my hair healthy. Super cost-effective, and easy to make at home. I’ll be uploading a post soon on my recipe.

- Workout resistance bands & a jump rope. These are the easiest and most portable forms of workout equipment. Sometimes when I go to visit friends, and there isn’t a cycling studio nearby, I will take time to do some pilates or even yoga at their home. These two things can help you get in a good bit of exercise just about anywhere!
- Pre-workout from Vega. Because sometimes you get tired from traveling and need a little extra #boost. I normally like to just drink a bulletproof coffee before I workout, but sometimes I add in this healthy pre-workout mix. Be careful buying pre-workout, because many are filled with complete and utter JUNK. I’d rather never workout again than have to use something like C4.

There you have it! My travel-must-haves. I know a few of you are probably thinking about how extra I am right now (hence the disclaimer) but these things have honestly made my on-the-go schedule way easier on my body.
What are your go-to travel items?! What helps keep you healthy while away?
xx Linds
P.S. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check-out my blog post: “Travel Anxiety, Preparing and Conquering 101.” This one for anyone who needs to learn a few hacks on traveling with anxiety, or someone who wants to learn how to empathize with someone who deals with this.
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[…] P.S. If you are traveling soon, check out my blog post “Traveling Healthy 101: What To Pack.” […]
[…] P.S. Did you like this clean beauty post? Be on the lookout for more articles in this category coming to you soon! In the meantime check out one of my latest blog posts on staying healthy while traveling! […]