This matcha latte recipe is one of my go-to’s, especially when I’m needing a boost of pure and steady energy. While I am a huge fan of coffee, some days I like to switch off, especially in the summer when an iced matcha is absolutely perfect.

Not only is matcha great for your body and overall well-being, but when paired with the right ingredients it’s also great in supporting your hormones. Paired with maca, collagen peptides, and MCT oil, this latte

What are the Benefits of Matcha?

The traditional Japanese drink has become popular in Western culture, and for good reason. Countless studies have been done on this green tea, detailing the various benefits that come with it.

In fact, one study detailed that the number of certain catechins in matcha is up to 137 times greater than in other types of green tea. Catechins are a natural phenol and antioxidant that are helpful in a variety of bodily functions.

One of my personal favorite benefits of matcha is the impact it has on our liver. Adding this drink to your daily routine can help flush out toxins and process nutrients.

Ingredients Needed to Make This Hormone-Friendly Matcha Latte:

  • Matcha powder
  • Grass-fed milk or coconut milk
  • Maple syrup
  • MCT oil
  • Collagen peptides
  • Maca

Hormone Supporting Ingredients

Ceremonial grade matcha powder – Filled with antioxidants, fiber, chlorophyll, and vitamins, matcha is a great drink to add to your diet.

Grass-fed milk or coconut milk – Coconut milk contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which stimulate energy through a process called thermogenesis. They’ve also shown to help support heart health as well.

Collagen peptides – Collagen peptides are an awesome source of protein that can help boost skin elasticity, nail strength, and hair health. There isn’t as much research as I would like, but they can also help support joint and mobility as well.

MCT oil – Adding MCT Oil to your matcha latte, is a great addition. The Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) help transform cholesterol into pregnenolone, which is a key building block of thyroid and sex-hormone creation too.

Maca – This root helps to naturally balance out hormone levels, boost energy, and can even assist in a healthy libido level.

More hormone friendly latte recipes:

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Hormone Boosting Matcha Latte

A cozy latte with just a few ingredients, packed with antioxidants, and hormone boosting ingredients.


  • 1 tsp cermonial grade matcha
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup nut milk
  • 1 tsp maca
  • 1 scoop collagen peptides
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tbsp maple syrup or honey
  • 1/2 tbsp MCT oil


  1. Sift your matcha.

  2. Add the matcha to a mug with hot water, whisking until frothy.

  3. In either a frother or a blender, add the milk, maca, colalgen peptides, maple syrup, and cinnamon.

  4. Top the matcha latte with the frothed milk and top with extra cinnamon.

I hope you enjoy this post on matcha for hormone balance. I hope you learned that matcha is not simply a yummy drink, but so much more! Feel free to shoot me an email or a message on Instagram if you have any questions or just want to talk.

xx Linds

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about hormone health, check out a few of my other articles on hormone health here: